Focus Library Tuts

WP/Elementor Tips & Tricks


< 1 min read

Maximize PHP Settings Manually on Plesk

Go to ‘File Manager’, edit .htaccess, and add this code after # END WordPress

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Post Widget

2 min read

How to Make Post Widget’s White Space Clickable (+Popup)

Go to Dashboard > Elementor > Custom Code. And then add this code to make the whole space/box/card of the

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< 1 min read

Hide Browser Scrollbar

To hide scrollbar globally, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS. To hide scrollbar on a spesific

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< 1 min read

Hide Scroll Bar On ‘Overflow: Auto’ Container

Add this following CSS code to the container: selector {-ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE and Edge / scrollbar-width: none; / Firefox

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< 1 min read

How to Fix Whatsapp Share Line Break Missing (Elementor Share Widget)

A bug found on the share widget (last checked on Elementor Pro version 3.6.4) where there is no line break

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2 min read

Disabling the Device’s Default ‘Dark Mode’ in WordPress

If you are trying to convert your WordPress website to APK / AAB, you may need to disable the device’s

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< 1 min read

Change Color of Header and Show-Hide Elements On Scroll

Useful for transparent headers. IMPORTANT Under ‘Motion Effect’ settings, below ‘Offset’, you must set the ‘Effects Offset’ into ‘1’ or larger. Otherwise, the CSS won’t

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< 1 min read

How to Fix Custom Fields Not Showing in WordPress (Crash with ACF Plugin)

If custom field is not showing when ACF plugin is activated, go to Dashboard > Themes > Themes File Editor,

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< 1 min read

How to Make Play Icon on Image Overlay Smaller (Elementor Video Playlist Widget)

If you activate the image overlay, there is an option to show play icon. And the default play icon for

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< 1 min read

Blur Effect CSS

Learn how this simple blur effect addition can transform your website’s visual appeal, creating a sleek and modern look that

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3 min read

Improve the Quality of the Scrolling Experience with Custom CSS Scrollbars

Hello guys! Have you ever thought about how to improve the appearance of the scrollbar on your website page? A good scrollbar

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< 1 min read

How to Fix Favicon Not Showing on WordPress Multisite

In some cases, sub-sites on multisite is not showing the favicon. To assign favicon for each site on WordPress multisite,

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< 1 min read

Crop Image To Ratio

To crop image based on ratio, on Elementor’s Image Widget add this CSS: 16:9 Landscape CSS 9:16 Portrait CSS

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2 min read

WordPress Auto-Translate Plugin and How to Disable Google Pop-ups

This plugin helps you translate your website into 104 different languages ​​in just seconds. Simply by installing and activating this plugin,

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< 1 min read

CSS Media Rule Based on Screen Sizes

This is very helpful for limiting custom CSS to certain breakpoints. Usage examples are Scrollbar, Offset Slides and Offset Carousel

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Text Widget

< 1 min read

Add Punctuation (…) at the End of Headings

Add this code to add three dots (…) at the end of your ‘Headings’. Replace the three dots between the

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